It’s finally happening. The man who kept it classy, along with the same team behind the Anchorman movies, is coming out with a new flick about the EDM scene. Will Ferrell will be producing and starring in the movie titled “I’m In Love With The DJ.” The story of the film is that a girl heads to Ibiza with two friends for what is supposed to be work, but it turns into a ravenous chase to find the world’s hottest DJ. This film will be R-rated, so we can expect it to be chock full of crazy antics and smut.
Hollywood has been very interested in the Electronic scene after its recent boom in the US. Although there is usually a reason to be worried about a film like this, it is safe to say that the film is in good hands. The writer of the film, Lauryn Kahn, sold the script to Sony Pictures for $1 million, and their Production President Michael De Luca had this to say about the talented writer:
Her characters are full of life and very, very funny…we love this script and we’re excited to be working with her, Will, Adam, and Kevin.
However, the most important question of all has yet to be addressed…will there be more cowbell? We can only wait for now. If you don’t think this will be the greatest movie ever…I will fight you. That’s no lie.